Sunday, 5 February 2023

Overcoming Apathy

 Overcoming Apathy

 Decisions elude me no matter how I try, maybe I’ll get there, bye and bye. No, this is no good; it will not do, I seek change and my life anew! John

I have just revised this subliminal meditation. 

The question is would you like to feel better, feel good, maybe even feel GREAT? 

If so, then perhaps this subliminal meditation is for you.

Each subliminal meditation comes with a description of how it works, and I truly hope you find the help you need here.

Here is a sample of the subliminal suggestions and affirmations for this meditation:-

I naturally never try to bury my emotions; I harness them and use them positively.  

I am naturally filled with hope which I easily translate into positive, realistic, achievable objectives.  

I am naturally self-motivated.  

I am naturally connected to the real me, and this gives me the confidence to be ME, to trust and follow my positive instincts confidently.  

I naturally have a wonderful instinct for making the best decisions, and I trust myself to do so!  

I naturally accept all that has happened to me before, which releases me to love and enjoy my life now and in the future.

My aim is to spread peace, illumination, excellence and healing, and I am available for online chats, webinars or as a speaker to a live audience, such as  'An Evening With John.......'   Business, Commercial, and Sports Application  Consider your staff or players, individually and also within a team (where appropriate) excelling either in their business, profession or sport through natural enhancement.  Email me at to discuss any of the above.

This subliminal meditation is here.



I have two self-help stories available exclusively on Amazon, either on the Kindle or paperback, and I do hope that you find them interesting, thought-provoking, and, most of all, enjoyable: -

The Rock Philosophy

This simply written short story is aimed at those who seek to understand themselves, and through understanding themselves comes a greater understanding of life.

The Life of Jesus

(as witnessed by his brother)

Much has been written about Jesus, and no matter your view on religion or Christianity, this person, whether he was as described in the bible or not, has singularly shaped, to a greater or lesser extent, the lives we lead today through his wisdom. There are many versions of the story, but there is only one truth, and is it not better to know the truth?


You are most welcome to visit my self-help youtube channel Advantage Subliminal


And you will find an excellent read in this recently published story by my son Colin, it is here.


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The Dawn Breaks

  The Dawn Breaks   The dawn breaks, the cock crows, life renewed, begins again.   John This subliminal meditation is here. or...