Friday, 1 September 2023

This Morning

 I have not been out doing my normal jogging routine this week, rather I have been resting my knees which are not as young as they used to be. I have, however, gone out walking, and today I took my camera.  I like to get out early and I have never seen anybody this week until this morning but more on that later.

Now just to set the scene, if something catches my eye I photograph it and over the years I have taken some interesting shots. Today I started my walk before 6am, I had to wait until it started to get light. The full moon was still bright in the sky.

I saw a brown smudge which turned out to be an alert wild roe deer watching me in the distance, that is the larger photo above, followed by a cropped and enlarged version, where you can see it better.

Then there were two.

 I will just attach a selection pf photos from here without explanation. I will though touch upon the 'seeing no-one' except for today. I was walking along the path caught in the serenity of the early morning silence and the beauty of my surroundings when I heard a voice behind me.  I looked around and saw a man walking his dog and as he got closer I could see and hear he was talking on his phone oblivious to what was going on around him.  I wasn't eavesdropping but it was impossible not to hear his, at times, colourful language on the subject of a football (soccer) match. His wee dog was lovely and he managed a very quick response to my "Good Morning"!



some old abondoned equipment.



and finally just outside my door, what a colour.


 I hope you enjoyed my selection as much as I did taking them, thank you for joining me.

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