Sunday, 15 October 2023

Mental Health

A New Dawn

It seems that never a day goes by without mental health issues being dicussed either on the news, documentaries, or by friends and neighbours and it is very concerning, however, if you are very fortunate, the tentacles of bad mental health will never touch you or those you love and care for. It all becomes very real if and when it does touch you in whatever way.

This year a member of my family was diagnosed with Hyper Mania* and he experienced  the euphoria mentioned mentioned below . It was one of the most frightening experiences I have had and was way out my comfort zone. My family member who was always generous by nature, put himself in some very scary situations and ended up being briefly hospitalised because of his mental health  He has been back home for a while now and on medication which has calmed him, but to the extent that he has lost motivation, but he is hopefully improving.

You may know my self-help subliminal channel, and my belief that we have our own healing power within us and I was therefore motivated to look at mental health in more detail. Meanwhile my sister had sent me a youtube link about mental health which led me to buy a book about mental health by the speaker on the video and I will give the details on the book later. I could see and appreciate where the author was coming from, in fact he confirmed much of what I believe about health care and the reliance on medication, feeding the profits of the drug companies.  Even more interesting was, and this is my understanding of what he said, is that many mental health conditions are caused by earlier and often forgotten head trauma. That our current mental mental healthcare treats the symptoms and not the problem in as much as when someone is suffering from mental illness they are prescribed medication (as with my family member) which treats the symptoms and not the problem.  The author of the book is clear that the symptoms are often a manifestation of an existing problem from our physical brain and if you think of it as like badtooth ache, you can take painkillers which mask the problem but it isn't going to solve it. He advocates spec scans to help identify the real issues with the recipient's physical brain and then where possible natural, non med. related treatment.

When my family member was in hospital I was able to attend a review with his consultant and appropriate staff and I raised the matter of a Spec scan, and they were not interested.

So, following on from the author's statement about earlier brain trauma, my family member had a really bad fall when 15 years of age and was lucky not to have been killed, no one checked his brain for damage and in hindsight, he gradually changed after but not in an obvious way. Then earlier this year he was rear ended in a traffic accident creating more trauma and I believe this is when his earlier trauma 'came home to roost'! It was after this that his mental health deteriorated.

 The book is by Dr. Daniel G Amen MD and it is called The End of Mental Illness and I would recommed it to you. The amazon links are below:--







* Hypermania is a severe form of mania1 and is a subcategory of bipolar disorder1. It is characterized by an overwhelming feeling of happiness or elation without cause, very high activity level with little need for sleep, difficulty falling asleep due to racing thoughts and flight of ideas, lack of coping skills or just not coping at all with anything that would be upsetting, sporadic behavior like taking off on an unplanned road trip to see a beautiful sunset 1100 miles away because it seems like a great idea1. Hypermania is more apt to lead to, or already include extreme suspiciousness, to the point of serious paranoia and other symptoms of psychosis1. It is important to note that hypermania, mania and hypomanic symptoms can be an unexpected effect of medications that have been prescribed for conditions and diseases other than psychological states

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