Sunday, 15 September 2024

The Story of the Red Rock


The Story of the Red Rock


He was now retired and feeling well contented with his life and as was his habit he stood under the Rowan Tree in his garden, seeing the beautiful plump red berries which were hanging in profusion from the branches. Then he would look down at the beautiful red rock that sat very comfortably below the tree.

He and the rock had been together for most of his adult life and as he reminisced about how he had met this red rock, he smiled, most people would think he was crazy, but this stone had changed not only his life, but the life of his wife and children, now all grown up.

Looking at it now, so warm looking and always that way to his touch, was it his imagination? After all it was just a rock? Or was it? He still didn’t think so.

Their relationship began at a very difficult time when he was a young adult.  He remembered clearly, nothing seemed to be going as well as he wanted in his life. He had dreams and aspirations about how he was going to succeed in whatever he chose to do, it would be exciting, he would excel, people would admire him. Much to his chagrin, no one seemed to understand him, in fact to him it seemed as if they were dismissive of his talent.  His parents too, just couldn’t seem to get him.  Of course, they tried to counsel him and help him in their own way, but they didn’t know him, not really, they just saw their child who needed them to point the way. Life was just so very frustrating.  It didn’t help at work for they just looked at him as if he had two heads, their attitude was so negative.

Then it happened. His thoughts had grown darker, he could feel his mind raging in the background and he knew he just had to go before he exploded. Maybe he would find the right people who would understand him and help him fulfil his dream somewhere else. He stomped out of the house after another argument with his idiotic parents. Tomorrow he would leave without saying goodbye and head for the city to make his fortune, it might mean living rough for a while, but hey, he was smart and knew how to look after himself.

As he walked, he found himself in the woods near his home, it wasn’t dark yet, there was still some warm sunshine as the sun started to sink below the horizon.  It was then he saw the red stone, under a tree, it seemed to glow and radiate warmth. Surely it must be a trick of the evening sunshine.  Next to the red stone was an old tree that had fallen over so he made his way to it and as best he could he made himself comfortable sitting on the rough bark and trunk of the dead tree.

The red rock still looked as if it were glowing, and he reached down to touch it and he felt its solidity and its warmth.

 It seemed to resonate a question mark to him, as if it were asking what was on his mind, so he just let it all out. The rock sat there listening to his every word, there was no judgement here, or belittling of his dreams and aspirations. After he had finished with all that had been bothering him, he slid gently off the old trunk and onto the ground with the tree trunk now acting as a back rest. The rock watched it all, still glowing, still warm and most of all still interested, as if it were waiting for more.

He was feeling quite comfortable now and somewhat lighter after offloading his feelings to the rock.  Realising the rock was waiting for more from him, he started on his relationship with his parents and co-workers, people who just didn’t get him, and how they treated him as if he was a child.

The rock listened impassively and the amazing thing that really surprised him, once everything that had been upsetting him and making him frustrated and angry was out of his system, he started to feel a peace inside that he’d never felt before, it was as if the rock understood him completely and without judgement, and it seemed to speak to him. “Look at me,” it said. “I sit here every day, all seasons. Animals, birds, insects have all got to know me over the years, I don’t judge them, I am happy to be here for them, and through them, my life as a rock has meaning and purpose, without them I would be a lessor rock. I enjoy peace on my own and I enjoy peace when I have my visitors. I am a constant in their lives, they always know I am here and in doing so I fulfil the will of the universe, for it is in this service to others that gives meaning to my life.

Shaking his head the young man thought he must have been dreaming, but he feels different, he understands much more now, and he realises that if you keep pushing life, life will push back. However, in enjoying life, giving to life, then life will give back.

He returned home to his home and his parents who looked anguished, and uncertain, not knowing his mood or what to expect from him. Clearly, their lives were not happy, and he realized then that he was the cause of it. Notwithstanding all of this he knew they loved him and now he knew how powerful that love was for he had tested it to the limit and yet they were still here for him.

Now unburdened because of his rock (for that is how he felt about it), he smiled, his heart bursting with a love that has been banished for so long. Now his parents looked bewildered for it had been such a long time since their son had been anything but argumentative.

Sitting them down he explained what had happened, how he had found his rock and how it had listened to him. He told them how he now felt so different and that this rock would be the start of the solid foundation of his new life, starting from today! Much to his surprise his parents started weeping but they were not tears of sadness, they were tears of joy, and they told him their prayers had been answered.

They then embraced him and asked if they could meet this rock. And so it began, the red rock found a home in their garden. Over the years there became a well-worn path leading to the rock, now surrounded by beautiful flowers. When he married and set up his new home with his wife the rock moved with him with his parent’s gratitude and blessings.

So now many years later, the red rock was still with him, not only that, his wife and children loved the rock as he did. It had solved so many problems for them in just being there, the rock they all leaned on when in need.  His children now had their own families and their own version of the red rock to whom they could speak freely.  It was still the same with each red rock, there was never any physical answer, it always came with the feeling of non-judgemental understanding, along with a sense of deep peace and serenity and then the answers sought were just there, in fact the feeling was that the answer had always been there, but it could only be found when the person was ready to receive it.

On reflection he thought that perhaps it could have been anything that caught his attention that fateful day, however, it was the red rock that had caught his eye and provided the much needed intervention that had saved him, and he knew in his heart of hearts that the Universe had provided exactly what he needed not just at that time, but something that would resonate with him throughout his life and through the lives of those he loved and cared for. The red rock had always been steadfast and true, the anchor that he needed throughout the sudden storms that life occasionally threw at him.


There is a selection of my art on canvas

 and other mediums available in my

Bonanza Shop here.


I have two self-help stories available exclusively on

 Amazon, either on the Kindle or paperback, and I do

 hope that you find them interesting, thought-

provoking, and, most of all, enjoyable: -


The Rock Philosophy

This simply written short story is aimed at those who

 seek to understand themselves, and through

 understanding themselves comes a greater

 understanding of life. 


The Life of Jesus

(as witnessed by his brother)

Much has been written about Jesus, and no matter your

 view on religion or Christianity, this person, whether he

 was as described in the bible or not, has singularly

 shaped, to a greater or lesser extent, the lives we lead

 today through his wisdom. There are many versions of

 the story, but there is only one truth, and is it not

 better to know the truth?


You are most welcome to visit my self-help youtube

 channel Advantage Subliminal


And you will find an excellent read in this story by my

 son Colin, and it is here.

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