Saturday, 13 January 2024

Smokey and the Rabbit

 Tenerife Sunset


Smokey and the Rabbit


Our first cat in Tenerife was called Smokey, we purchased him when he was a kitten from a pet shop. Now just in case you are wondering what about cat rescues, we had already been to K9, the local cat and dog rescue and they had two kittens who were feral.


Smokey was a loving cat who had a problem, he didn’t like using a litter tray. We thought he may have been separated from his mother to early and hadn’t been taught by her to use a litter tray.

The apartment we were living in had an adjoining apartment with a low wall separating our balconies.  When our neighbours were on holiday, Smokey had been using their balcony as a litter tray and I had to climb over the balcony to clear it up (sun dried) and there was a lot of it tucked in corners and at the side of walls.


We had eventually moved to a house with fields nearby and Smokey could get out and run about which made life so much easier.


One night my partner and I were chatting as the TV was on in the background and the cat was lying along the top of the settee behind us. To let you understand with my work, income wasn’t always consistent, and I jokingly said to my partner that if we struggled financially, we could always catch rabbits for dinner.


In bed that night, I moved to get out of bed in the dark, turning round to put my foot on the floor. Then I felt something kind of wet and furry under my foot before I put any weight on it.  I thought, is it a pair of slippers, because I was sure there was nothing there before I went to bed.  I put he light on, and there it was, a dead rabbit brought in for us by Smokey. Go figure…


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