Saturday, 10 February 2024

Part of my Healer’s Journey


Part of my Healer’s Journey


You may remember from earlier part of my story that I am a jogger, more of the tortoise rather than the hare, especially nowadays. And also, my earlier jogging route up to Morton Reservoir involved passing fields of sheep. Well one morning, early, I was jogging up the hill and I saw two large Alsatian dogs chasing a single sheep. I was over the fence and chased the dogs away, or so I thought. It was only on my way back down that I saw the body of the sheep lying in the field. I normally passed the little road leading to the farmer’s house but this time I headed a long to tell him what had happened. And whilst he was appreciative of my concern, and that he could legally shoot the dogs, he wouldn’t do that because they were guard dogs belonging to a nearby fishery and they must have escaped. I never thought for a moment until then that I could have had a bit of trouble if they had turned on me as I chased them Mind you I was probably a frightening spectacle, red in the face, waving my arms whilst puffing and panting chasing them through the field!

But the next part of my story again involves a sheep and a part of my healer’s journey, same jog, different day. I had reached the path leading to Morton Reservoir, and I climbed the gate, because it was shut due to it being early morning, 6.30ish. And as I jogged down the path heading to the water, I saw a solitary sheep lying on the other side of a fence and I thought I’d better check it out. I climbed the fence fully expecting the sheep to be dead or to get to it’s feet and run a way, but it didn’t move.  I could see it was alive though but was unsure of what the problem was. I could see it watching me as I got close to it, speaking to it soothingly (I hoped) and then I squatted down beside it and put my hands on it’s side and gave it healing. Well, much to my surprise after a little while it got to it’s feet, looked at me, and then wandered off fully restored.

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